
Collaborative Platform for Research on Spine Imaging and Image Analysis



Filed in: Main.Literature · Modified on : Mon, 11 Jan 16

8. A Multi-center Milestone Study of Clinical Vertebral CT Segmentation - Jianhua Yaoa, Joseph E. Burnsb, Daniel Forsbergc, Alexander Seiteld, Abtin Rasouliand, Purang Abolmaesumid, Kerstin Hammernike, Martin Urschlerf, Bulat Ibragimovg, Robert Korezg, Tomaž Vrtovecg, Isaac Castro-Mateosh, Jose M. Pozoh, Alejandro F. Frangih, Ronald M. Summersa, Shuo Li, "Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2016"

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7. Invited Talk in CSI workshop 2015: Spinal Imaging in Surgical Planning and Navigation-by Martin Haimerl

Spinal Imaging in Surgical Planning and Navigation

6. Invited Talk in CSI workshop 2015: Osteoporosis Imaging at the Spine: Clinical Needs and Technical Challenges-by Thomas Baum

Osteoporosis Imaging at the Spine: Clinical Needs and Technical Challenges

5. Invited Talk in CSI workshop 2015: Vertebral Fracture Identification using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry-by Margaret Paggiosi

Vertebral Fracture Identification using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry

4. Shuo Li, Jianhua Yao, and Nassir Navab, Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Spine Imaging, Image-Based Modeling, and Image Guided Intervention, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), Vol 34, No. 8, August 2015

3. Guoyan Zheng, Shuo Li, Computational Radiology for Orthopaedic Interventions, series: LNCVB, Vol. 23, ISBN 978-3-319-23481-6, Springer, 2016

Computational Radiology for Orthopaedic Interventions

2. Guoyan Zheng and Shuo Li, Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases (Invited perspective), Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG), 2015.

Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases

1. Keynotes

Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor

Keynote presentation given at the CSI Workshop 2014. Download presentation slides.

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