
Collaborative Platform for Research on Spine Imaging and Image Analysis


Filed in: Main.Literature · Modified on : Mon, 11 Jan 16

Main.Literature History

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To obtain, click [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0895611115001937|here]]
To obtain, click [[http://www.digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/Literature%208.pdf|here]]
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!!! 8. A Multi-center Milestone Study of Clinical Vertebral CT Segmentation - Jianhua Yaoa, Joseph E. Burnsb, Daniel Forsbergc, Alexander Seiteld, Abtin Rasouliand, Purang Abolmaesumid, Kerstin Hammernike, Martin Urschlerf, Bulat Ibragimovg, Robert Korezg, Tomaž Vrtovecg, Isaac Castro-Mateosh, Jose M. Pozoh, Alejandro F. Frangih, Ronald M. Summersa, Shuo Li
!!! 8. A Multi-center Milestone Study of Clinical Vertebral CT Segmentation - Jianhua Yaoa, Joseph E. Burnsb, Daniel Forsbergc, Alexander Seiteld, Abtin Rasouliand, Purang Abolmaesumid, Kerstin Hammernike, Martin Urschlerf, Bulat Ibragimovg, Robert Korezg, Tomaž Vrtovecg, Isaac Castro-Mateosh, Jose M. Pozoh, Alejandro F. Frangih, Ronald M. Summersa, Shuo Li, "Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, 2016"
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!!! 8. A Multi-center Milestone Study of Clinical Vertebral CT Segmentation - Jianhua Yaoa, Joseph E. Burnsb, Daniel Forsbergc, Alexander Seiteld, Abtin Rasouliand, Purang Abolmaesumid, Kerstin Hammernike, Martin Urschlerf, Bulat Ibragimovg, Robert Korezg, Tomaž Vrtovecg, Isaac Castro-Mateosh, Jose M. Pozoh, Alejandro F. Frangih, Ronald M. Summersa, Shuo Li

To obtain, click [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0895611115001937|here]]

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!!! 7. Invited Talk in CSI workshop 2015: Spinal Imaging in Surgical Planning and Navigation-by Martin Haimerl

[[http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/Haimerl_Spinal Imaging in Surgical Planning and Navigation_CSI 2015.pdf|Spinal Imaging in Surgical Planning and Navigation]]

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!!! 6. Invited Talk in CSI workshop 2015: Osteoporosis Imaging at the Spine: Clinical Needs and Technical Challenges-by Thomas Baum

[[http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/MCCAI_CSI_talk_Baum.pdf|Osteoporosis Imaging at the Spine: Clinical Needs and Technical Challenges]]

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!!! 5. Invited Talk in CSI workshop 2015: Vertebral Fracture Identification using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry-by Margaret Paggiosi

[[http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/MPaggiosi.pdf|Vertebral Fracture Identification using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry]]

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!!!5. Invited Talk in CSI workshop 2015: Vertebral Fracture Identification using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry-by Margaret Paggiosi

/Users/janemeng/Downloads/MPaggiosi MICCAI invited speaker
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/Users/janemeng/Downloads/MPaggiosi MICCAI invited speaker 3-3.pdf
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Attach:/Users/janemeng/Downloads/MPaggiosi MICCAI invited speaker 3-3.pdf
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Attach:/Users/janemeng/Downloads/MPaggiosi MICCAI invited speaker 3.pdf
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!!!5. Invited Talk in CSI workshop 2015: Vertebral Fracture Identification using Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry-by Margaret Paggiosi

Attach:/Users/janemeng/Downloads/MPaggiosi MICCAI invited speaker 3.pdf

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The book can be found [[https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319234816|here]]

!!! 2. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG), Guoyan Zheng and Shuo Li, Accepted. 2015

[[http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/FinalVersion.pdf|Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases]] (Invited perspective
[[https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319234816|Computational Radiology for Orthopaedic Interventions]]

!!! 2. Guoyan Zheng and Shuo Li, Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases (Invited perspective), Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG), 2015.

[[http://www.digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/medimgdiag.pdf|Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases]]
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!!!4. Shuo Li, Jianhua Yao, and Nassir Navab, [[http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/guestedit.pdf|Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Spine Imaging, Image-Based Modeling, and Image Guided Intervention]], IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), Vol 34, No. 8, August 2015
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!!! 3. Guoyan Zheng, Shuo Li, Computational Radiology for Orthopaedic Interventions, series: LNCVB, Vol. 23, ISBN 978-3-319-23481-6, Springer, 2016

The book can be found [[https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319234816|here]]

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[[Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases|http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/FinalVersion.pdf]] (Invited perspective)
[[http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/FinalVersion.pdf|Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases]] (Invited perspective)
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[[Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases|http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/FinalVersion.pdf]], (Invited perspective)
[[Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases|http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/FinalVersion.pdf]] (Invited perspective)
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Keynote presentation given at the [[http://csi-workshop.weebly.com/|CSI Workshop 2014]]. Download [[http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~bglocker/public/csi2014-haynor.ppt| presentation slides]].
Keynote presentation given at the [[http://csi-workshop.weebly.com/|CSI Workshop 2014]]. Download [[http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~bglocker/public/csi2014-haynor.ppt| presentation slides]].
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!!! Keynotes

!!! 2. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG), Guoyan Zheng and Shuo Li, Accepted. 2015

[[Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases|http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/Shuo/FinalVersion.pdf]], (Invited perspective)

!!! 1.
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[[http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/FinalVersion.pdf|Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases]], (Invited perspective) Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG), Guoyan Zheng and Shuo Li, Accepted. 2015
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Keynote presentation given at the [[http://csi-workshop.weebly.com/|CSI Workshop 2014]]. Download [[http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~bglocker/public/csi2014-haynor.ppt| presentation slides]].
Keynote presentation given at the [[http://csi-workshop.weebly.com/|CSI Workshop 2014]]. Download [[http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~bglocker/public/csi2014-haynor.ppt| presentation slides]].

[[http://digitalimaginggroup.ca/members/FinalVersion.pdf|Medical Image Computing in Diagnosis and Intervention of Spinal Diseases]], (Invited perspective) Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG), Guoyan Zheng and Shuo Li, Accepted. 2015
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Keynote presentation at the [[http://csi-workshop.weebly.com/|CSI Workshop 2014]]. [[http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~bglocker/public/csi2014-haynor.ppt|Download presentation slides]].
Keynote presentation given at the [[http://csi-workshop.weebly.com/|CSI Workshop 2014]]. Download [[http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~bglocker/public/csi2014-haynor.ppt| presentation slides]].
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!!!! Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor
!!!!! Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor
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Keynote presentation at the [[http://csi-workshop.weebly.com/][CSI Workshop 2014]]. [[http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~bglocker/public/csi2014-haynor.ppt][Download presentation slides]].
Keynote presentation at the [[http://csi-workshop.weebly.com/|CSI Workshop 2014]]. [[http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~bglocker/public/csi2014-haynor.ppt|Download presentation slides]].
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!! Keynotes

!!! Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor
!!! Keynotes

!!!! Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor

Keynote presentation at the [[http://csi-workshop.weebly.com/][CSI Workshop 2014]]. [[http://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/~bglocker/public/csi2014-haynor.ppt][Download presentation slides]].
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!!! Keynotes

!!!! Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor
!! Keynotes

!!! Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor
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!! Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor
!!!! Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor
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!! Image processing in the clinic: Diagnosis and quantitation of spinal disease over time - Prof David R Haynor
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!!! Keynotes

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